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    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    The Hobbit 13 Minute Preview

    With literally days to go until The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Part One) arrives in cinemas, this should tide you over nicely. Featuring a tonne of interviews, behind the scenes and lots of new footage, this is a rather fantastic way to spend the next 13 minutes. Incidentally, we’ll have some Hobbit comments over the next few days as I’m off to see the HFR version in an IMAX over the weekend, as well as catching up with Aidan Turner who plays Kili. So watch this space and of course the twitter as well

    Synopsis: A curious Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, journeys to the Lonely Mountain with a vigorous group of Dwarves to reclaim a treasure stolen from them by the dragon Smaug.
    Release date: 13th December 
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    Star Trek Into Darkness

    Even Star Wars fans like me who never, in any capacity showed any love for the original Star Trek movies, were blown away with J.J. Abrams take on the the franchise a few years ago. And now, the hype machine for the sequel is starting to turn. What you can see below is a teaser trailer for the actual teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, which goes live on the web on December 17th. I gotta say, this looks absolutely epic, and Benedict Cumberbatch puts to rest any doubts that may have been out there. The dude, looks seriously bad ass. Check it out below and let us know what you think!

    Synopsis: After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.
    Released: May 17th 2013

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    Seven Psychopaths Review

    With In Bruges, writer and director Martin McDonagh made quite the feature film debut, crafting a well written and superbly acted tale that has deservedly achieved cult status. So it comes as no surprise that all eyes are on his follow up film, Seven Psychopaths. A much different film from In Bruges, I can honestly say it's not what anybody expected.

    Marty (Colin Farrell) is a screenwriter struggling to write his latest feature, Seven Psychopaths. When his friends Billy (Sam Rockwell) and Hans (Christopher Walken) kidnap the dog of unhinged gangster Billy Costello (Woody Harrelson), Marty finds unlikely inspiration from the whole crazy situation.

    As you can gather from the above synopsis, this film is as meta as they come. Every so often the film plays out excerpts from Marty's script, as he tries to get a handle on his psychotic characters, in an attempt to save them from becoming cliched. It's not so much a film within a film, as the writers drafting process within a film. With Farrell as his mouthpiece, McDonagh is making a comment on cliched psychotic characters, and tries to subvert what we have come to expect. And subvert he does. This movie is anything but predictable, zigging when the only logical outcome is to zag. The story constantly evolves before your very eyes, leading to an extremely satisfying pay off. The script is expertly written, chock full of wonderful little details, over the top gore, jet black humour, and character moments (Walken in particular, more on that later). It starts off with a bang, quite literally, and keeps that pace for the most part. There are one or two lulls, especially in the 2nd act where the film becomes three people talking around a campfire, and every so often it felt I was receiving a lecture on storytelling, but these are minor gripes that don't take away from a wonderfully crafted movie.

    The casting is the ace up Seven Psychopaths' sleeve, with each actor playing their roles perfectly. Farrell's Marty is pretty much an observer in his own story, stepping back and letting the craziness unfold.  As we know Rockwell plays psychotics very well, and that is definitely the case here. He walks a very fine line between calm reason and out of control insanity, delivering some of the movies best lines. But Walken owns the show as the deeply religious Hans. His character is the most fleshed out, and the actor completely steps into the role, delivering a performance that jumps from hilarious to absolutely heart breaking, sometimes in the same scene. It's one of his best performances in years, and reminds us what a fantastic actor he is. These three actors together work wonderfully well together, providing the movies best scenes. Woody Harrelson is also fantastic as a surprisingly vulnerable hard man.

    A smart and superbly crafted black comedy, Seven Psychopath's delivers on what McDonagh achieved with In Bruges. Full of great performances and wonderful moments, this adds up to an extremely entertaining night at the cinema. 

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    Test 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec sapien in erat suscipit egestas. Nulla facilisi. Donec lorem arcu, pharetra nec laoreet in, blandit vel eros. Donec volutpat libero sed leo lacinia ultricies. Duis iaculis felis suscipit enim interdum porttitor. Vivamus urna metus, consequat ut condimentum auctor, ullamcorper dictum arcu. Pellentesque dapibus molestie ante, vel dapibus turpis porta ut. Morbi eu libero quam, id commodo mi. Vivamus tincidunt lobortis nulla eu gravida. Ut eleifend tempus sapien, eget semper lectus placerat vel. Cras lectus lectus, bibendum vel ullamcorper a, gravida gravida sem. Nulla ante justo, fringilla at pellentesque a, mattis pulvinar orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas suscipit viverra nisi, non dignissim metus varius ac. Ut sit amet libero turpis, eget laoreet velit.
    Duis eu mi metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sodales eleifend ipsum, ac hendrerit purus volutpat sit amet. Phasellus venenatis accumsan varius. Curabitur dictum, leo sit amet facilisis accumsan, libero sapien hendrerit augue, nec rhoncus nibh lacus at nibh. Nulla mollis placerat massa, vitae adipiscing odio vehicula a. Nulla sit amet ipsum eget dolor adipiscing posuere nec a nulla. Curabitur vulputate libero vel nunc ornare accumsan. Suspendisse eget felis nunc. Ut sit amet orci dolor, nec dignissim felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin gravida nisl, non bibendum risus sollicitudin vitae. Morbi laoreet orci sit amet risus porttitor sed semper turpis pulvinar. Donec non nisi vel lectus gravida venenatis. Vestibulum in arcu lorem. Nulla facilisi.
    Pellentesque pellentesque tellus sed nisl laoreet sit amet feugiat arcu laoreet. Sed neque urna, ultricies quis tincidunt fringilla, facilisis id erat. Praesent felis nisi, pharetra vitae euismod a, ultrices vitae urna. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque fringilla dolor facilisis purus tincidunt imperdiet. Integer aliquet lectus non nibh pretium ornare. Ut justo nisl, malesuada a fermentum id, convallis et justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla eu eleifend est. Mauris fringilla hendrerit turpis, at euismod velit elementum a. Morbi iaculis volutpat tellus, quis condimentum felis luctus eu. Cras risus ligula, tincidunt et blandit at, viverra nec felis. Cras tellus arcu, pulvinar nec egestas ac, malesuada ac nulla.
    Pellentesque eget vestibulum ante. Praesent ac nibh augue. Suspendisse ligula magna, aliquet in auctor a, ultrices quis nibh. Maecenas dignissim, justo vel fermentum commodo, diam urna blandit ipsum, vel consectetur est nibh vel leo. In sed molestie nisi. Fusce eleifend posuere nibh vel malesuada. Etiam quam mauris, tristique et tincidunt eu, eleifend vel metus.
    Donec id mauris arcu, at placerat tortor. Quisque varius ultrices erat ut lobortis. Vivamus sed ligula ipsum. Maecenas ac velit sit amet elit malesuada convallis non vel risus. Quisque id odio ipsum. Integer varius lorem a nibh venenatis nec fringilla est sollicitudin. Sed turpis ante, imperdiet eget condimentum eget, interdum sit amet mi. Sed id ipsum a eros molestie sagittis. Ut id mi eros, quis condimentum diam. Cras erat dolor, iaculis dictum elementum vitae, auctor eu metus.

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